Published October 21, 2018A cataract is simply a clouding of the natural lens inside the eye. The lens maintains a delicate balance between water and protein so that we can see clearly through it. When the proteins clump together, the resulting cataract blocks some of the light entering the eye, making vision blurry or hazy. Cataracts typically occur […]
Read Post Published October 7, 2018A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye that impairs vision. There are four types of cataracts: Nuclear Sclerotic, Cortical, Posterior Subcapsular and Congenital. The types of cataracts are classified based on where and how they develop in the eye. Nuclear Sclerotic Cataract: A nuclear sclerotic cataract refers to the hardening of […]
Read Post Published September 23, 2018A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye due to protein buildup in the body which leads to reduced vision and loss of sight if left untreated. There are three primary types of cataracts: nuclear sclerotic, cortical and posterior subcapsular. Nuclear Sclerotic Cataracts A nuclear cataract is the most common type of […]
Read Post Published September 9, 2018A cataract is a common condition in which a normally clear eye lens becomes cloudy, causing blurry vision similar to looking through a foggy window. A cataract occurs when there is a buildup of proteins in the lens, creating protein clumps. These clumps, or deposits, prevent light from passing clearly through the lens, thus disrupting […]
Read Post Published August 26, 2018Have you ever wondered how vision problems were treated hundreds or thousands of years ago? If you thought there weren’t any treatments before modern day medicine, you may be surprised. Each year, cataract surgery permits millions of people to improve and recover their vision. This eye surgery has been conducted since ancient times, but has […]
Read Post Published August 12, 2018Most people are aware that smoking is bad for your health. It’s linked to heart disease, stroke, lung cancer and other cancers throughout the body, including the kidneys, bladder, throat, mouth and more. Researchers have also known for some time that smoking also poses a higher risk for the development of cataracts in the eyes. […]
Read Post Published July 22, 2018Modern cataract surgery is very safe and effective. In fact, the overall success rate of cataract surgery is about 98%. Typically, the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and the cataract surgery recovery time is minor. Most patients see clearly the day after surgery, with little or no discomfort. To ensure […]
Read Post Published July 8, 2018If the lens inside your eye has become cloudy, you may want to consider cataract surgery. During cataract surgery in Dallas, your doctor removes the cloudy lens and replaces it with an artificial lens (called an intraocular lens: IOL) to restore clear vision. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis and does not […]
Read Post Published June 24, 2018A cataract is a clouding of the eye lens that can make it hard for you to see. The condition is most common in older people, but anyone can have one. As cataracts grow, they can cause symptoms that interfere with daily activities. Cataracts can cause dim, blurred, yellow or double vision. This can make […]
Read Post Published June 22, 2018Vision Quest ophthalmologist Wesley K. Herman, M.D. grew up on a farm in North Dakota. Farm-to-table was a way of life for his family. When he was young, his dad and uncles were into horticulture, organic production, conservation and sustainability. They were stewards of the land. This way of life has stayed with Dr. Herman. […]
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